Project part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)

The Interreg IVB North Sea Region Programme

The authors are solely responsible for the content of this report. Material included herein does not represent the opinion of the European Community, and the European Community is not responsible for any use that might be made of it.
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Alkborough Managed Realignment


Allen, J.H., 2000. Saltend benthic invertebrate and sediment survey 2000 & assessment of variability in baseline benthic community from 1998 to 2000. Institute of Estuarine & Coastal Studies, University of Hull, Hull, HU6 7RX. Unpublished Report No. Z091-M-2000-Invert. Report to CES.

Allen, J.H., Mazik, K. & Elliott, M. 2006. An assessment of the benthic invertebrate communities of the Humber estuary. Humber estuary review of consents for the Habitats Directive. Review of benthic data stage 1. Institute of Estuarine & Coastal Studies report to the Environment Agency. Report YBB091, 95pp.

English Nature. 2003. The Humber estuary European Marine Site. English Nature’s advice given under Regulation 33(2) of the Conservation (Natural Habitats &c.) Regulations 1994. 136pp.

Hemingway, K.L., Cutts, N.D., Allen, J.H. & S. Thomson, 2008. Habitat Status of the Humber Estuary, UK. Institute of Estuarine & Coastal Studies (IECS), University of Hull, UK. Report produced as part of the European Interreg IIIB HARBASINS project.

Everard M, 2009. Ecosystem Services Case Studies, Better regulation science programme.

Halcrow Group Ltd (in prep 2012). Assessment of siltation at Alkborough. Halcrow Report to the Environment Agency.

IECS (Institute of Estuarine and Coastal Studies), 2009. Mazik, K., Perez-Dominguez, R., Solyanko, E., Mander, L. & Thomson, S. Ecological development of the Alkborough Flats managed realignment site – 2007-2008. Institute of Estuarine & Coastal Studies Report to North Lincolnshire Council and the Environment Agency. Report YBB121-D-2008, 103pp.

Maslen, S. and Pygott, J., 2008. Pastures new. Landscape, September 2008, pp. 30–32.

Mazik, K., 2004. The influence of a petrochemical discharge on the bioturbation and erosion potential of an intertidal estuarine mudflat (Humber estuary, UK). Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Hull.

Mazik, K., Smith, J.E., Leighton, A. & Elliott, M. 2007. Physical and biological development of a newly breached managed realignment site, Humber estuary, UK. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 55: 564-578.

Mitchell, E.W. 2008. Implications for the nature and quality of dredged material for its beneficial placement in the coastal environment. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Hull. 250pp.

Solyanko, E, Mazik, K, Perez-Dominguez, S, Thomson, R, Eades & Smyth, K, 2011. Ecological development of the Alkborough Flats manages realignment site: third year of monitoring, September 2009. Institute of Estuarine & Coastal Studies (IECS), University of Hull, UK.

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Reports / Measures / Tools

Report: Management measures analysis and comparison