At the site ‘Spadenlander Busch/Kreetsand’ 47 ha of a former spoil area is transformed into an area which is influenced by the tide in order to create new tidal volume and valuable natural area. From this area 17 ha will be kept as land and 30 ha will be transformed to shallow water area under tidal influence. The measure will be established by the removal of high-lying soils from an area where a dyke had been realigned. Expected benefits of the measure are the generation of approximately 1.1 mill. m3 of additional tidal volume and the establishment of adjacent habitats like mudflats, reed and floodplain forests.
The area was already added to the Natura 2000 area ‘Hamburger Unterelbe’ and the nature protection area ’Norderelbe‘. Estimated costs for the measure are > 50 mill € due to the huge amount of heavy contaminated soil that has to be removed and treated in a special way. A period of three years is expected for the construction time.
In order to introduce the tidal influenced landscape to a wide-ranging public, a ’tidal park‘ is planned. The aim of the concept is to introduce basic tidal specific phenomena to the public. The complexity of the tidal dynamics and estuarine functioning will be shown within the landscape and not only by informative posters, in order to allow individual experience of the landscape. Objects, textures, vegetation and buildings will be used to present all aspects of the tides.
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